How to increase productivity if You аre not a superhero

6 min readOct 15, 2020


Practical tips to increase Your productivity!

“ I finish the task first and then I will have my lunch” — this is how each of us thinks at least a couple of times a week, or even every working day. But only virtual superheroes or… business coaches manage to do everything and to be everywhere, neither to sleep, nor to eat, , and all this does not lead to the loss of productivity.

But if you are not one of them, we shall tell you what to do.

Rule 1 The one who works well… rests well!

Ironically, productive work begins with a good rest. Paradox? Hardly that. If you think about it, you’ll see it’s pretty obvious. No matter how fixed or not fixed your working hours are, you can not starve the body of the opportunity to relax and recharge.

Make a point of a few simple and important things.

First of all. Give the body a full night sleep. No matter how important your project is, no matter how picky the customer is, and no matter what technical difficulties you face, a restless night will not be a salvation. You may seem like a Superman to yourself but believe me: a couple of sleepless nights a month — and you will already notice how your eyes and brain begin to get tired much faster than before.

This effect works in a geometric progression, and coffee and energy only aggravate it, causing addiction to harmful substances.

A whole series of scientific studies have been conducted about how many hours do successful people sleep per day. The norm is 7–8 hours a day, but for a certain period of life, 6 hours will be enough . With this, you need to sleep every day and it is desirable to go to bed at the same time, for example, around 10 pm. in this case, with a large load at work, you can just get up early , for example, at 5 am, and after the morning “rituals” sit down to work.

Secondly. For effective rest, you need to create conditions. It is impossible to have a good rest just by moving your body to the bed.

We can recommend not drinking alcohol or energy before going to bed , be sure to do light physical exercise, regularly use products with magnesium to avoid sleep disorders, ventilate the room and ensure the temperature in the bedroom is about 20oC, turn off all interfering devices , gadgets and dim the light to a minimum.

Thirdly. Use minutes of rest at work. Depending on the specifics of your working day, plan at least 3–4 breaks for 15–20 minutes, during which you can move (or better, lie down) on the sofa or chair, cover your eyes and disconnect from work tasks. Completing each break is best done with a couple of physical exercises.

Fourthly. And of course, take care of your eyes. This rule is mandatory, unless you want to become helpless without glasses and lenses by the age of 35 Do eye exercises and do them 3–4 times a day. This will help you to avoid tired and sore eyes.

Rule 2 Watch over the air you breathe

Another useful tip that many people ignore. But breathing gives an oxygen supply to the body, which the work of the brain depends on. So, the recommendations here are simple. If you want your brain to work as efficiently as possible, provide it with oxygen. Be outdoors more often, ventilate the rooms where you sit, remove dust from the working table, and use wet sweeping in the house. Perhaps you should get a humidifier and learn breathing exercises. Also, it is not superfluous to perform light physical exercises with an aerobic load.

Rule 3 Find opportunities for sports

It is difficult to find a more useful activity for the health of the body than sports or physical education.

Training allows you to keep your muscles in good shape, to be charged with a good mood. This is especially important for a programmer whose brain is constantly in tension, and the body lives in the shackles of a sedentary lifestyle. Probably, you will never do sports on a professional level, but going to the gym two or three times a week will definitely do you good. But it happens that a gym is an expensive pleasure. In this case, morning exercise and a light jogging in the evening will be an excellent substitute for it.

Rule 4 Plan Your Life

Suppose you have already learned to maintain your health conditions. Working time planning techniques are also not particularly helpful. Keep track of yourself: what have you planned? And if not, then why?

The list does not have all the tasks for the day. To do this, set the actual deadlines for their implementation. For example, you do not know how to create a new page. It’s better to plan less and do more than the other way around. In this case, the brain should work without achieving goals.

This is due to the very chemistry of the human body. The human body contains neurotransmitters and its functions that will help you achieve goals that will help you survive, improve your status and transfer your genes. Unlike serotonin, dopamine only enhances the desire to receive it. That is, the timely achievement of goals or the completion of the list of tasks just starts the “chemical” processes of pleasure.

Rule 5 Achieve maximum in the first conference of the day

Between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. In this case, the Best results in the performance of tasks and handling of complex issues are achieved in this part of the day. We are talking about the fact that within this period we need a special mood that is best suited for creative activity, decision making, and resolution of difficult situations. Your memory and state of mind are at the highest level. In this part of the day you research and develop of new algorithms. A sense of satisfaction from the results achieved in the first part of the day will help you to work efficiently after lunch.

Rule 6 Be distracted by schedule.

Of course, working without being disrupted is a good tactic if you do not go too far. We have already said that your eyes and your brain need rest, at least several times a day. But the reality is that we break off our work a certain number of times per day. For example, we go for lunch, sometimes to have a cup of coffee, to exchange impressions with a colleague, to talk on the phone with relatives. Plan these distractions depending on the tasks assigned, because the most important thing here is to steer clear of extremes: it is equally harmful to work without pauses, and a constant desire to interrupt something as well.

Before embarking on an unpleasant or difficult task, our consciousness automatically tries to be distracted. When it is necessary to write a complex piece of code, it appears that you have not checked the mail, selected the appropriate music track, you have not configured the theme in the editor and, of course, have not poured a mug of fresh tea, and so on. Therein lies the danger of a not-on-schedule “distraction” — something that should be avoided at all means.

Rule 7 Clear tasks as soon as they are received.

Accustom yourself to clarify each task received with the customer or the boss as soon as you receive it. And the point here is not so much that otherwise you have to redo it. It’s just that the human brain is designed in such a way that, first of all, it seeks to do what it understands, and to delay as much as possible the implementation of what it is necessary to understand further. Most often, such tasks are postponed to the last moment, which leads to the failure of all deadlines. After all, it is simply impossible to do the task qualitatively, without understanding it to the end, in a short time.

We hope that our tips will help you become at least a little more productive than before :)

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